a pair of pants中文
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單身退散!永遠只能用複數表示的單字大集合!2017年2月9日 · 例如: a pair of jeans, two pairs of jeans,想要說多少件就將數字更換,以此類推,也別忘了兩件以上要將pair 加上s 哦。
... 的意思較為廣泛,中文是衣著; clothes 則較具體指某件特定的衣服。
... Android: https://goo.gl/voFYjt.為什麼一條褲子叫a pair of pants (三問) | Yahoo奇摩知識+想取個跟中文名字音相似的英文名? 6 個回答 · She considered herself lucky that she had insurance when she was diagnosed with breast cancer.請問名詞子句that ...a pair of pants - 英中– Linguee词典大量翻译例句关于"a pair of pants" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
a pair of pants-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context使用Reverso Context: A diamond bracelet and a pair of pants.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"a pair of pants"a pair of trousers中文翻譯,a pair of trousers是什麼意思:一條褲子…a pair of trousers中文:一條褲子…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋a pair of trousers的中文翻譯,a pair of trousers的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
a pair of jeans中文翻譯,a pair of jeans是什麼意思:一條牛仔褲…a pair of jeans中文一條牛仔褲…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋a pair of jeans 的中文翻譯,a pair of jeans的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
Zack Bornstein no Twitter: "COMPANIES BEFORE 2016: We sell ...For every pair of pants sold, we donate one pant leg to working single service ... to make the pants, so for every two pairs of pants you buy a dog can have a pair ...ian leonard no Twitter: "Here is my line up of “Bad Pants” for the ...The Bad Pants Open benefits Special Olympics MN & the MN PGA REACH Foundation. Vote for tonight: ... You should wear the wacky colorful pair in that photo.Pair of pants - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia數學上,pair of pants(一雙褲子或一條褲子)是一個形如褲子的二維曲面;拓撲學上是一個有三個洞的球面,pair of pants可被賦予雙曲度量,而雙曲度量的等距類 ...SALUT![SPA0746]Salut|PANT|韓版復古破洞設計感直筒寬鬆牛仔長褲/牛仔藍. NT $599 ... [SD1204] Salut|DRESS|韓系復古牛仔娃娃百搭圓領洋裝/藍. NT$599.
- 1Pair of pants - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia
六個pairs of pants縫合成一個開曲面,虧格為2,邊界有四個分支。 數學上,pair of pants(一雙褲子或一條褲子)是一個形如褲子的二維曲面;拓撲學 ...
- 2Which is correct: two pair of pants or two pairs of pants? - Quora
We call any one such item a pair (singular) of pants/shorts/trousers/panties. One pair, to be wor...
- 3Why Do We Say “A Pair of Pants”? | Britannica
According to some, the phrase “pair of pants” harkens back to the days when what constituted pant...
- 4Why Do We Say "A Pair Of Pants" When It's Only One Garment ...
- 5a pair of pants-翻译为中文-例句英语| Reverso Context
使用Reverso Context: A diamond bracelet and a pair of pants.,在英语-中文情境中翻译"a pair of pants"